
The next-tinacms-markdown package provides a set of methods for editing content sourced from Markdown files.


yarn add next-tinacms-markdown


  • useMarkdownForm( markdownFile, options? ):[values, form] - A React Hook for registering local forms with function components.
  • markdownForm( Component, options? ): Component - A React Higher-Order Component for registering local forms with class or function components.
  • useLocalMarkdownForm(deprecated)
  • useGlobalMarkdownForm(deprecated)


  • markdownFile: These helper functions expect an object as the first argument that matches the following interface:
// A datastructure representing a MarkdownFile file stored in Git
export interface MarkdownFile {
  fileRelativePath: string
  frontmatter: any
  markdownBody: string
  • options: The second argument is an optional configuration object that can include options to customize the form.

Return Values

  • values: An object containing the current values from frontmatter and markdownBody. You can use these values to render content.
  • form: A reference to the Form registered to the CMS. Most of the time you won't need to work directly with the Form, so you won't see it used in the example.

useMarkdownForm hook

The useMarkdownForm hook will connect the return data from getStaticProps with Tina, then return the frontmatter and markdownBody values to be rendered.


** 1. Import `useMarkdownForm` and `usePlugin`
import { useMarkdownForm } from 'next-tinacms-markdown'
import { usePlugin } from 'tinacms'
import matter from 'gray-matter'
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'
import Layout from '../components/Layout'

export default function Info(props) {

  ** Optional — define an options object
  ** to customize the form
  const formOptions = {
    label: 'Info Page',
    fields: [
      { label: 'Name', name: '', component: 'text' },
        name: 'markdownBody',
        label: 'Info Page Content',
        component: 'markdown',
  ** 2. Call `useMarkdownForm` and pass in the
  **    `data` object returned from `getStaticProps`,
  **    along with any form options.
  const [data, form] = useMarkdownForm(props.markdownFile, formOptions)

  ** 3. Register the form with the CMS

  **  4. Render content from your Markdown source file
  **     with the props returned from getStaticProps
  return (

export async function getStaticProps() {
  const infoData = await import(`../data/`)
  const data = matter(infoData.default)

  return {
    props: {
    markdownFile: {
      fileRelativePath: `data/`,
      markdownBody: data.content,

You can use gray-matter to parse the YAML frontmatter when importing a raw Markdown file.

markdownForm HOC

markdownForm accepts two arguments: a component and an form configuration object. The component being passed is expected to receive data as props that matches the markdownFile interface outlined below.

// A datastructure representing a MarkdownFile file stored in Git
export interface MarkdownFile {
  fileRelativePath: string
  frontmatter: any
  markdownBody: string

markdownForm returns the original component with a Git form registered with Tina. Below is the same example from useMarkdownForm, but refactored to use the HOC.


** 1. import `markdownForm`
import { markdownForm } from 'next-tinacms-markdown'
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'
import matter from 'gray-matter'
import Layout from '../components/Layout'

function Info(props) {
  const data = props.markdownFile
  return (

** Optional — define an options object
** to customize the form
const formOptions = {

 ** 2. Wrap your component with `markdownForm`,
 **    pass in optional form field config object
export default markdownForm(Info, formOptions)

export async function getStaticProps() {
  const infoData = await import(`../data/`)
  const data = matter(infoData.default)

  return {
    props: {
    ** 3. Structure your return object with this shape.
    **    Make sure to use the `markdownFile`
    **    property name
    markdownFile: {
      fileRelativePath: `data/`,
      markdownBody: data.content,