At this point, we've got a taste of the many different aspects to configuring blocks, but our page is lacking — we can only add one type of block.
In this step, we will add a few more block types: Image Diptych & Paragraph. Feel free to copy and paste these examples directly into the project.
Next we'll add a simple Paragraph
block. This is a very common component to websites and will be a nice complement to the hero and image diptych.
Create a new file, components/Paragraph.js
and add this code:
import React from 'react'
import { BlocksControls, InlineTextarea } from 'react-tinacms-inline'
import '../styles/paragraph.css'
* 1. Define the Block Component
function Paragraph({ index }) {
return (
<BlocksControls index={index} focusRing={{ offset: 0 }} insetControls>
<div className="paragraph__background">
<div className="wrapper wrapper--narrow">
<p className="paragraph__text">
<InlineTextarea name="text" focusRing={false} />
* 2. Define the Block
export const paragraphBlock = {
Component: Paragraph,
template: {
label: 'Paragraph',
defaultItem: {
'Take root and flourish quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam culture Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur descended from astronomers encyclopaedia galactica? Nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur something incredible is waiting to be known sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem ',
fields: [],
Create a new file, components/Images.js
and add this code:
import React from 'react'
import { BlocksControls, InlineImage } from 'react-tinacms-inline'
import '../styles/images.css'
* 1. Define the Block Component
function Images({ index }) {
return (
<BlocksControls index={index} focusRing={{ offset: 0 }} insetControls>
<div className="wrapper">
<div className="image-diptych">
parse={filename => `${filename}`}
uploadDir={() => '/'}
previewSrc={formValues => `${formValues.blocks[index].left.src}`}
parse={filename => `/${filename}`}
uploadDir={() => '/'}
previewSrc={formValues => `${formValues.blocks[index].right.src}`}
* 2. Define the Block with
* the Template and Component
export const imagesBlock = {
Component: Images,
template: {
label: 'Image Diptych',
defaultItem: {
_template: 'images',
left: {
src: '/ivan-bandura-unsplash-square.jpg',
alt: 'ocean',
right: {
src: '/martin-sanchez-unsplash-square.jpg',
alt: 'dunes',
fields: [
name: 'left.src',
label: 'Left-Hand Image',
component: 'image',
parse: filename => `/${filename}`,
uploadDir: () => '/',
previewSrc: (formValues, input) => {
* Get index from field input. Assumes the block
* is only one level deep
const index ='.')[1]
* Use that index to target the correct
* block in `formValues`
const currentBlockImage = formValues.blocks[index].left.src
return currentBlockImage
focusRing: false,
name: 'left.alt',
label: 'Left-Hand Image Alt Text',
component: 'text',
name: 'right.src',
label: 'Right-Hand Image',
component: 'image',
parse: filename => `/${filename}`,
uploadDir: () => '/',
previewSrc: (formValues, input) => {
const index ='.')[1]
const currentBlockImage = formValues.blocks[index].right.src
return currentBlockImage
focusRing: false,
name: 'right.alt',
label: 'Right-Hand Image Alt Text',
component: 'text',
This block provides two Inline Image fields in a diptych style. With Inline Image fields, you can drag and drop new images onto the area, or click the image to be met with a file selector.
Since this project isn't set up with a media store, uploading new images won't work. The type of media store you use depends on your back-end, and that is beyond the scope of this guide. For our learning purposes, the same images will always render in the
Configuring image fields can be trickier than other fields, refer to the inline image docs to get more clarity.
In short: the parse
function handles how the path gets written in the source data when a new image is uploaded. uploadDir
sets where those new images should live. And previewSrc
provides a path for the image when inline editing is active (a.k.a when the CMS is enabled). When inline editing is not active (cms.enabled === false
), the image will reference the path in the source data.
Finally, we'll add these blocks to the HOME_BLOCKS
object. This gets passed to InlineBlocks
as the available blocks to add / render.
Make the following changes in Home.js
import React from 'react'
import { useForm, usePlugin } from 'tinacms'
import { InlineForm, InlineBlocks } from 'react-tinacms-inline'
import { heroBlock } from './components/Hero'
+ import { imagesBlock } from './components/Images'
+ import { paragraphBlock } from './components/Paragraph'
import data from './data/data.json'
export default function Home() {
const HOME_BLOCKS = {
hero: heroBlock,
+ images: imagesBlock,
+ paragraph: paragraphBlock
Tada 🥳 Now we have multiple blocks to choose from on the Home page.
By now you might notice a pattern for making blocks:
Next, we'll take things a step further with Nested Blocks.