Creating Custom Fields

There are two ways to create custom fields with Tina:

  1. Create a custom component and add it directly to your form definition via the component property
  2. Create a field plugin to allow forms to use this field simply by using its name

1. Custom Component

A field Component is React component that accepts three props:

  • field: The field definition for the current field.
  • input: The data and callbacks necessary to make an input.
  • meta: Metadata about the field in the form. (e.g. dirty, valid)

Checkout the react-final-form docs for a more detailed description of the input and meta props.

2. Creating Field Plugins

A field plugin is a JavaScript object with three properties:

  • name: A string used to identify the component. This is the name that is set in a field definition. This name must be unique; if multiple plugins are registered with the same name, only the last will be used.
  • Component: The component that will used in the form. The exact nature of this component depends on which form builder is being used.
  • validate: An optional function that will be used to validate the field's data.


interface FieldPlugin {
  __type: 'field'
  name: string
  Component: React.FC<any>
  type?: string
    value: any,
    allValues: any,
    meta: any,
    field: Field
  ): string | object | undefined
  parse?: (value: any, name: string, field: Field) => any
  format?: (value: any, name: string, field: Field) => any
  defaultValue?: any

Validate (optional)

The optional validate function can be utilized to configure field validation.


  • value: The field's current value
  • allValues: The current state of the entire form
  • meta: The form metadata for this field
  • field: The field's configuration

Registering the plugin

import { MapPicker, validateMap } from 'cms-field-my-map-picker'

let cms = new CMS()

  name: 'map',
  Component: MapPicker,
  validate: validateMap,


Here is an example of a simple text field plugin. The Component renders the label, the input, and the errors for the field.

import { CMS } from '@tinacms/core'

let cms = new CMS()

  name: 'text',
  Component({ input, meta, field }) {
    return (
        <label htmlFor={}>{field.label ||}</label>
        <input type="email" {...input} />
        <div className="field-error">{meta.error}</div>
  validate(email, allValues, meta, field) {
    let isValidEmail = /.*@.*\..*/.test(email)

    if (!isValidEmail) return 'Invalid email address'

Using Tina Styles

If you want to style the custom field to fit in with the rest of the Tina sidebar, you'll need to use the CSS custom properties defined in @tinacms/styles.


import styled from 'styled-components'

// Use the Tina CSS variables in your styled component
const Label = styled.h3`
  color: var(--tina-color-primary);
  font-size: var(--tina-font-size-3);
  font-weight: var(--tina-font-weight-bold);
  border-radius: var(--tina-radius-big);
  border: 1px solid var(--tina-color-primary-light);
  transition: color linear ease var(--tina-timing-medium);
  padding: var(--tina-padding-small);

Further Reading